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Famous IB Alumnus: KIM JONG UN

Kim Jong Un; the man that has made himself known across the globe as the Supreme Leader of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea). It is interesting to know that this world leader also went through the same IB experience. His formative education was conducted in the International School of Bern, in Switzerland. He and his siblings received education in this private school under hidden identities carefully monitored by North Korean Intelligence. It is believed that he later shifted to another school to complete his high school education, and here in Bern he completed his IB course. However he did not earn the diploma and was given a certificate instead, a plausible explanation could be a lack of CAS.

As a student Kim was very engaged in playing basketball, with several sources saying that he was a big fan of Michael Jordan. His childhood was fairly normal swimming in the Mediterranean on the French Riviera, dining al fresco in Italy, going to Euro Disney in Paris and skiing in the Alps.

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